mercoledì 27 maggio 2009

Daring Bakers May Challenge: Apple Strudel

The May Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Linda of make life sweeter!and Courtney of Coco Cooks. They chose Apple Strudel from the recipe book Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague by Rick Rodgers.

Questa ricetta per lo strudel di mele è stata scelta da Linda of make life sweeter!and Courtney of Coco Cooks Per la ricetta del mese di maggio per i Daring Bakers’.
La ricetta è tratta dal libro Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague di Rick Rodgers.

I never make the strudel, and stretch the dough was not easy. The sheet must be prepared so thin that you can read a newspaper under it.
I think that I need to take some manual in it. However I liked prepare strudel that I make 4 strudel salted and 4 strudel sweet, so was the enthusiasm.

So thanks to Linda and Courtney for having chosen this recipe, I have a great aversion for spread sheets, that I would have never done!

Non avevo mai fatto uno strudel, e stendere l'impasto non è stato facile.
Deve essere steso talmente sottile da poter leggere un foglio di giornale messo sotto la sfoglia.
Devo dire che ci vuole una certa manualità che io ancora non ho, comunque mi è piaciuto tantissimo, ne ho già fatti 4 salati e 4 dolci, tanto è stato l'entusiasmo.
Quindi grazie a Linda e Courtney per aver scelto questa ricetta, dato che avendo una grande avversione a stendere le sfoglie, non avrei mai fatto!!!!

For friends who read sorry my bad English!

mercoledì 20 maggio 2009

Cake Slice Bakers: Mile High Devil's Food Cake

This Month for the Cake Slice Bakers, we chosen the Mile High Devil's Food Cake

For this month's The Cake Slice Bakers selection, we voted to make Devil's Food Cake!

The recipes come from Sky-High Cakes by Alisa Huntsman.It was a great cake.
I chose to use Brown Sugar 7-Minute Frosting, But I haven't enough brown sugar, I use white sugar.
The cake is very light. I decorated the cake with cake crumbled:

I found this decoration on the book:

Tuesdays with Dorie.

I eat the cake the day after (today, i have finish at 24...), it was collapsed, but very soft.

This is the slice:

I will make the cake again whith frosting Brown Sugar Buttercream.

martedì 19 maggio 2009

Quiche lorain: merenda con i colleghi

Oggi merenda con i colleghi di ufficio, ognuno ha portato una cosa, io ho portato una quiche:

Posto la ricetta per tutti coloro che me la hanno chiesta.

Per una tortiera di 24 cm.

Per il guscio si può usare una qualsiasi pasta brisè, lascio ad ognuno la scelta.

La pasta va stesa abbastanza sottile, messa nella tortiera fatta aderire al bordo con le mani, e appoggiata nella parte fredda del frigorifero per circa 1 ora. Poi va punzecchiata con la forchetta e posto nello stampo un foglio di carta forno con dentro dei ceci o fagioli o lenticchie, per evitare che si sollevi il fondo.

Cuocere a 200° per 20 minuti (controllare che ogni forno è diverso!) poi levare la carta forno con i legumi e far cuocere per altri dieci minuti, cioè finche il bordo non appare colorato (poi sta a voi decidere come vi piace.

Lasciar freddare.

Per il ripeno:

200 gr panna

4 uova

1 pizzico di sale

200 gr di pancetta affumicata (possibilmente magra) a dadini

200 gr gruviera (non lo avevo ho messo l'asiago, che a casa mia non manca mai) a dadini

erba cipollina (opzionale)

Mettere nel forno a 180° la pancetta per far scolare via la maggior parte del grasso, asciugarla bene con gli scottex. Mettere sul guscio già cotto la pancetta e il formaggio. Amalgamare le uova con la panna (e solo dopo l'erba cipollina, se si vuole mettere) e versare il composto nel guscio. Cuocere a 180° per circa mezzora, è cotta quando il composto si è gonfiato ed è ben colorito sui bordi.

Buon Appetito.

lunedì 18 maggio 2009

Piccole tortine alla frutta

Fragole lamponi e more.....
Quasi per caso mi sono ritrovata con un piccolo cestino di lamponi e uno di more, quando mi è arrivata in dono una meravigliosa cassetta di fragole non trattate...
Quale migliore occasione di tirare fuori dal freezer una delle paste frolle che sono in attesa.
Dovete sapere che ho la mania della frolla, ogni tanto provo una nuova ricetta alla ricerca di quella perfetta...

Per questa tortina va bene una pasta frolla qualsiasi, purchè sia abbastanza elastica perchè va stesa molto sottile.

Prendere la pasta frolla, circa 200 gr sono più che sufficenti per 12 tortine di 10 cm di diametro.
Stendere la pasta frolla molto sottile, e metterla negli stampi. Mettere in frigorifero per almeno mezzora. Bucare con la forchetta e infornare a 200 gradi finchè non si scuriscono i bordi.

Per il ripieno:
400 gr Philadelphia
500 gr panna da montare fresca
100 gr zucchero a velo
20 gr rum
8 gr gelatina.

Mettere in una terrina il Phialdelphia e mischiarlo con la forchetta.
Ammorbidire la gelatina in acqua fredda.
Riscaldare il rum.
sciogliere la gelatina nel rum, facendo attenzione che sia ben sciolta.
Mischiare il rum al philadelphia(fare attenzione che il philadelphia non sia freddo
ma a temperatura ambiente).
Montare la panna con lo zucchero a velo.
Mischiare con dolcezza il philadelphia e la panna.

Riempire i gusci di pasta frolla con la cremina e guarnire con i frutti di bosco da voi prescelti.
mettere in frigorifero a raffreddare per 2 ore.

Queste tortine sono meglio se mangiate in giornata.
Altrimenti il guscio tende ad ammorbidirsi.

giovedì 14 maggio 2009

Daring Cooks' Zuni Ricotta Gnocchi

This is the first Daring Cooks Challenge and the recipe was chosen by our founders Lisa of La Mia Cucina and Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice.

The recipes was taken from the cookbook by Judy Rodgers, named after her restaurant, The Zuni Café Cookbook.

The sauce is with tomato, garlic and pesto.

Zuni Ricotta Gnocchi
Source: From The Zuni Café CookbookYield: Makes 40 to 48 gnocchi (serves 4 to 6)Prep time: Step 1 will take 24 hours. Steps 2 through 4 will take approximately 1hour.Note: For our members who have special dietary requirements or who have toalter the recipe for health reasons, our alternative Daring Cooks, led by Shellyof Musings From The Fishbowl, have developed an alternative version of therecipe. Please check the Alternative Daring Cooks' forums for more information.Tips:1. If you can find it, use fresh ricotta. As Judy Rodgers advises in her recipe,there is no substitute for fresh ricotta. It may be a bit more expensive, butit's worth it.2. Do not skip the draining step. Even if the fresh ricotta doesn't look very wet,it is. Draining the ricotta will help your gnocchi tremendously.3. When shaping your gnocchi, resist the urge to over handle them. It's okay ifthey look a bit wrinkled or if they're not perfectly smooth.4. If you're not freezing the gnocchi for later, cook them as soon as you can. Ifyou let them sit around too long they may become a bit sticky.5. For the variations to the challenge recipe, please see the end of the recipe.Equipment required:• Sieve• Cheesecloth or paper towels• Large mixing bowl• Rubber spatula• Tablespoon• Baking dish or baking sheet• Wax or parchment paper• Small pot• Large skillet• Large pan or pot (very wide in diameter and at least 2 inches deep)For the gnocchi:1 pound (454 grams/16 ounces) fresh ricotta (2 cups)2 large cold eggs, lightly beaten1 tablespoon (½ ounce) unsalted butter2 or 3 fresh sage leaves, or a few pinches of freshly grated nutmeg, or a fewpinches of chopped lemon zest (all optional)½ ounce Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated (about ¼ cup very lightly packed)about ¼ teaspoon salt (a little more if using kosher salt)all-purpose flour for forming the gnocchiFor the gnocchi sauce:8 tablespoons (227 grams/1/4 pound/4 ounces) butter, sliced2 teaspoons waterStep 1 (the day before you make the gnocchi): Preparing the ricotta.If the ricotta is too wet, your gnocchi will not form properly. In her cookbook,Judy Rodgers recommends checking the ricotta’s wetness. To test the ricotta, takea teaspoon or so and place it on a paper towel. If you notice a very large ring ofdampness forming around the ricotta after a minute or so, then the ricotta is toowet. To remove some of the moisture, line a sieve with cheesecloth or paper towelsand place the ricotta in the sieve. Cover it and let it drain for at least 8 hours and upto 24 hours in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can wrap the ricotta carefully incheesecloth (2 layers) and suspend it in your refrigerator for 8 to 24 hours with abowl underneath to catch the water that’s released. Either way, it’s recommendedthat you do this step the day before you plan on making the gnocchi.Step 2 (the day you plan on eating the gnocchi): Making the gnocchi dough.To make great gnocchi, the ricotta has to be fairly smooth. Place the drained ricottain a large bowl and mash it as best as you can with a rubber spatula or a largespoon (it’s best to use a utensil with some flexibility here). As you mash thericotta, if you noticed that you can still see curds, then press the ricotta through astrainer to smooth it out as much as possible.Add the lightly beaten eggs to the mashed ricotta.Melt the tablespoon of butter. As it melts, add in the sage if you’re using it. If not,just melt the butter and add it to the ricotta mixture.Add in any flavouring that you’re using (i.e., nutmeg, lemon zest, etc.). If you’renot using any particular flavouring, that’s fine.Add the Parmigiano-Reggiano and the salt.Beat all the ingredients together very well. You should end up with a soft andfluffy batter with no streaks (everything should be mixed in very well).Step 3: Forming the gnocchi.Fill a small pot with water and bring to a boil. When it boils, salt the watergenerously and keep it at a simmer. You will use this water to test the first gnocchithat you make to ensure that it holds together and that your gnocchi batter isn’t toodamp.In a large, shallow baking dish or on a sheet pan, make a bed of all-purpose flourthat’s ½ an inch deep.With a spatula, scrape the ricotta mixture away from the sides of the bowl andform a large mass in the centre of your bowl.Using a tablespoon, scoop up about 2 to 3 teaspoons of batter and then holding thespoon at an angle, use your finger tip to gently push the ball of dough from thespoon into the bed of flour.At this point you can either shake the dish or pan gently to ensure that the flourcovers the gnocchi or use your fingers to very gently dust the gnocchi with flour.Gently pick up the gnocchi and cradle it in your hand rolling it to form it in an ovalas best as you can, at no point should you squeeze it. What you’re looking for is anoval lump of sorts that’s dusted in flour and plump.Gently place your gnocchi in the simmering water. It will sink and then bob to thetop. From the time that it bobs to the surface, you want to cook the gnocchi untilit’s just firm. This could take 3 to 5 minutes.If your gnocchi begins to fall apart, this means that the ricotta cheese was probablystill too wet. You can remedy this by beating a teaspoon of egg white into yourgnocchi batter. If your gnocchi batter was fluffy but the sample comes out heavy,add a teaspoon of beaten egg to the batter and beat that in. Test a second gnocchi toensure success.Form the rest of your gnocchi. You can put 4 to 6 gnocchi in the bed of flour at atime. But don’t overcrowd your bed of flour or you may damage your gnocchi asyou coat them.Have a sheet pan ready to rest the formed gnocchi on. Line the sheet pan with waxor parchment paper and dust it with flour.You can cook the gnocchi right away, however, Judy Rodgers recommends storingthem in the refrigerator for an hour prior to cooking to allow them to firm up.Step 4: Cooking the gnocchi.Have a large skillet ready to go. Place the butter and water for the sauce in theskillet and set aside.In the largest pan or pot that you have (make sure it’s wide), bring at least 2 quartsof water to a boil (you can use as much as 3 quarts of water if your pot permits).You need a wide pot or pan so that your gnocchi won’t bump into each other anddamage each other.Once the water is boiling, salt it generously.Drop the gnocchi into the water one by one. Once they float to the top, cook themfor 3 to 5 minutes (as in the case with the test gnocchi).When the gnocchi float to the top, you can start your sauce while you wait for themto finish cooking.Place the skillet over medium heat and melt the butter. Swirl it gently a few timesas it melts. As soon as it melts and is incorporated with the water, turn off the heat.Your gnocchi should be cooked by now.With a slotted spoon, remove the gnocchi from the boiling water and gently dropinto the butter sauce. Carefully roll in the sauce until coated. Serve immediately.Variations: For the gnocchi, you can flavour them however you wish. If you wantto experiment by adding something to your gnocchi (i.e., caramelized onion,sundried tomato), feel free to do so. However, be forewarned, ricotta gnocchi aredelicate and may not take well to elaborate additions. For the sauce, this is yourchance to go nuts. Enjoy yourselves. Surprise us!!!